
How an Answering Service Can Help with Web and Order Entry

Many companies are faced with the question of outsourcing certain tasks in order to continue growing their business. Hiring an answering service doesn’t limit the options available for outsourcing. Many answering services may offer unexpected and specialized services.

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Telemessaging Defined: Inbound, Outbound, and Executive Level

Telephone messaging, or telemessaging, is a frequently requested service among answering service companies. A telemessaging service is typically provided for small companies, service contractors, medical offices, and other businesses who want to be represented as a larger enterprise.

At ABA, we offer three levels of telemessaging services – Inbound, Outbound, and Executive.

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A Better Answer Raises Over $5,000 for Bikers Against Child Abuse

Our Fall Family Festival is always a great time for A Better Answer staff, our friends and our families but we do our best to turn our yearly good time into something special for others too. This year, we were so honored to present $5,290, collected from our Plano, Hurst and Houston locations, to Bikers Against Child Abuse!

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Automation vs. Answering Service: the Pros and the Cons

Phone calls are an important part of running a successful and growing business so every call should be answered. When call handling becomes too time-consuming for business owners, however, they will begin to look for alternatives to assist them so that other business functions don’t fall to the wayside. The alternatives are typically an automated answering system or hiring an answering service. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each.

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Employee Stats in the Call Center World

When you hear the words “call center,” does it immediately bring to mind endless rows of people chattering away on headsets? Then you have a pretty accurate idea of what a call center is like. Did you know that many call centers experience an extremely high turnover rate? As a matter of fact, the average time a U.S. call center representative remains at one job is about 3 years.

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Why People Come Back After Leaving for a Cheap Answering Service

Hiring employees is quite the endeavor. Initially there is the cost of advertising or recruiting the candidate. Then add in the cost to human resources to read over resumes, interview, check references, screen candidates and make an offer. The reason that organizations spend so much time, money and effort in the hiring process is because they want a quality employee.

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Services You Might Not Expect from an Answering Service

When you consider an answering service, you might expect things such as someone to answer your phone when you’re busy, away or on vacation. You might expect 24/7 coverage from trustworthy, well-trained and reliable call handlers. (If not, you should be!) What you might not expect, however, are other services that A Better Answer provides that go above and beyond the typical answering service.

Topics: News Better Business

A Better Answer Wins ATSI Award of Excellence for 17th Year!



ATSI, or, the Association of TeleServices International, is the leading trade association for providers of telecommunications, call center services, and answering services. Each year, an independent panel of judges place “mystery calls” to companies participating. This is such an important award to our company because we compete with over 400 plus agencies and winning this award serves as proof for all our hard work and determination to deliver the best possible service to our clients and customers!


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Brenda Celebrates 25 Years With ABA!

Brenda, from our Fort Worth office, has been our ‘Queen Dunner’ for 25 years. Brenda started as a TSR 25 long years ago but immediately we recognized her talent for kindness and dedication and our customers loved talking with her. That’s especially important, especially when she’s asking them to pay their bills. Brenda has been a loyal and dedicated rock at A Better Answer Call Centers for all these years. We are so happy to have shared working with her all this time and hope for many, many more happy years together. BIG CONGRATULATIONS Brenda. You’re the Best!

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Cast your Vote during Call Handling Hero Week

ABA celebrates Call Handling Hero week annually in April. Each day of the week is focused on special treats and surprises for our outstanding Telephone Representatives.

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