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A Better Answer Blog

Shark Tank Answering Service Options


If you’ve ever watched the TV show Shark Tank, you either have an entirely new appreciation for entrepreneurs, or quite possibly, you may be an entrepreneur yourself! Imagine pitching your awesome startup idea to a group of investors. You’d better have done your research and be very convincing. Now imagine that you’ve landed a large sum of cash from these investors. What would your next steps be? Maybe one of your first steps should be to hire an experienced answering service. Here’s why.


An entrepreneur needs to focus on continuous improvement of their product or service. You’ll need quality assurance and documented processes to ensure that what you’re selling lives up to the standards you sold your investors. It would be great to think that the phone is ringing all day with new orders but if you’re not making sure those orders are completed and shipped, your business will be sunk quickly. An experienced answering service can take some pressure off of you so that you can focus on the reason you wanted to be an entrepreneur in the first place.

It comes down to finding something you love to do and then just trying to be great at it. -- Mark Cuban


When the phone rings, you should be hearing “cha-ching!” in your head. After all, every potential sales call is an opportunity to grow your business. If you’re not available to answer every single call, how much will that affect your bottom line? Do you want to be attached to a phone 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year? Some small business owners can barely take bathroom breaks or enjoy a vacation day with their family. Outsourcing your calls to an experienced answering service can give you a break from an already busy time.

As an entrepreneur, you can always find a solution if you try hard enough. -- Lori Greiner

Customer Service

To be a successful entrepreneur, by today’s standards, you need be listening to your audience and continually improving your product or service. An experienced answering service can help alleviate the overload of customer service calls. An answering service representative can be trained to answer questions, follow a set of instructions, escalate or take messages for your company. With an actual human answering your calls, your customers will have a pleasant, knowledgeable and empathetic customer service experience and may refer more business.

Nobody has a monopoly on good ideas. -- Kevin O’Leary


You could hire a relative to take your calls for you. In fact, many startups keep it in the family until the business is just too difficult to manage. Hiring an experienced answering service will help your company through growing pains. A quality answering service will have worked with small businesses and be scalable enough to help plan for growth in your business. Instead of worrying how many more people you will need to hire to meet the demands of your Shark Tank investors, you will have the capability and knowledge of an experienced answering service as you grow. You can staff your company as you grow at a much lower cost than hiring new employees.

Make sure you pick good people to build your business with, as they'll determine 80 percent of your success. -- Barbara Corcoran

A Better Answer offers both call center and three levels of answering services. If you need to start with an answering service and move into call center services later, we can meet you where you are. Wondering what’s the difference between a call center and answering service? With our four decades of experience, we can help clarify the services you might need and build a contract that will grow with your business. Your Shark Tank investors will be pleased.

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