We are so happy to congratulate Michelle into the “ABA Decennial Club”! Michelle adds her tenure to a substantial list of other wonderful ABA Decennials and we hope to have her with us for many many more.
It is not so often a company receives such a lovely response from an employee but I felt so honored I wanted to share it with all of you. Hope this brightens your day and helps us all look forward happily to the future. Really big hugs and Congratulations.
Dee Hawkins
I received my 10 year anniversary gift in the mail today, and first I wanted to say thank you. The earrings are beautiful. But also I wanted to say thank you for providing a home for me, a family when I needed most, and stability and structure. Thank you for putting up with all my drama over the years and thank you for seeing my worth. 10 years is an achievement I never thought I’d have anywhere and I’m so honored to share that achievement with A Better Answer. There have been times that have made me laugh, cry and want to melt completely down. There have been times when the kind words of Hildie helped me make it to the next day. When Stephanie’s sarcasm was a much needed relief when systems crashed on a graveyard shift. When Celby and Jessica stepped up and busted their butts to help me with my wedding. I’ve been comforted, I’ve been disciplined, I’ve been educated. I know you know how special ABA is, but I I hope you know that I do know how special it is. Thank you Dee, here’s to 10 more. I love you. You’re a wonderful boss and a great mentor. Thank you for seeing you in me.