Sometimes a call comes in that brings forth even more empathy and humanity from our call handling heroes. Elizabeth took the extra steps to possibly save a life as November's Call Handling Hero® .
Call Handling Hero® - Elizabeth
Upon answering a call for one of our clients, a religious-based organization, Elizabeth understood the caller to say he was struggling with contemplating suicide.
Elizabeth immediately attempted to put him at ease, calming him by asking for a name and number in case they were disconnected. She then attempted to patch him through to the client directly.
Unfortunately, the caller disconnected while she was trying to reach the client.
Taking action, with very little information, Elizabeth searched and called the Caller ID phone number. Luckily, the phone number did belong to the caller and she attempted to connect him to the client once more. The caller disconnected yet again, just as Elizabeth reached the client. She offered to try the phone number again and in the end, the caller was patched over to our client.
Elizabeth definitely took the extra step needed in such a tense situation. Congratulations and great work to Elizabeth, our Call Handling Hero® for November.