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A Better Answer Blog

How to Stay Positive in a Negative Situation

Stay positiveNegativity can affect anyone – especially when there is ongoing negativity. In some cases, such as a customer service environment, it is imperative to shake off as much negativity as possible. The dark and heavy emotions not only can lead to illness but also affect your ability to provide quality care to your clients and customers. We have a few steps to help stay positive in a negative situation.

Don’t Take it Personally

If you are answering the phones or working in some other customer service profession, you may encounter all sorts of personalities and challenges. Although it is tough to remember when someone is yelling in your face or over the phone, it is not about you. The customer probably feels frustrated with a product or service and simply wants someone to listen and care. This is your job. This is when you can feel like a hero.

Take long, slow, deep breaths and listen. Really listen. If you can recognize that you are there to help, you will act helpful. Once your body language or attitude shifts to helpfulness, the person venting will more than likely calm down.

“Smile, at absolutely everyone, whether you can see them or not. That smile shines right through the phone.” ~ Dee Hawkins, A Better Answer CEO

Be Proactive

Knowing that you could expect negativity at any time, you can spend the in-between times building up your positivity shield. Find a reason to laugh with your fellow co-workers. Take a walk outside. Get some exercise before or after work. Eat healthy snacks during the day. Have a good lunch but not so much that you’re miserably full and tired. Get away from your desk and walk around as much as you can. Take breaks from sitting. Keep a gratitude journal at your desk or post pictures around your office that make you smile no matter what kind of day you’re having.


Yes, venting is good for you too. Sometimes there’s only so much that you can do to stay positive. Missed sleep, illness or even the weather can affect your mood. Have someone that you can vent to, who will stay and listen and let you get it all out. It’s amazing what a little venting session will do to clear out the negative you encounter in your day.

These few steps will help you to stay empathetic and positive to your coworkers and those who depend on you to resolve their complaints. Taking care of you will also help you to let go of the negativity quickly, allowing you to appreciate the good things in your job.

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