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Small Business Owners Missing Calls and Missing New Business

Small Businesses Missing Calls

As a small business owner, you have to be on all the time. A blossoming business needs you at the ready for any crises or opportunities. A new study shows that small business owners are taking calls, even in the bathroom, and yet still missing out on new business.

A UK based call handling solution company commissioned the research as part of a study of 2,000 small business owners and their phone habits.

According to the study, 70% of small business owners admit to having taken a business call in the bathroom to avoid missing out on new business. 18% also say that they have taken a business call at a funeral, and 13% at a wedding.

The research also detailed that the business owners:

  • Receive upwards of 20 calls a day
  • Miss approximately seven calls a day
  • Noted 9% of calls are new business inquiries and the cost of a new lead is worth on average $160

In total, small businesses are losing over $5,000 a year each in missed opportunities.

It's no secret that a small business owner is overwhelmed. A missed call means missed income. Wouldn't you breathe easier knowing a professional answering service was handling your calls so that you could take some time for yourself and your family?

Source: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130801006323/en/Microbusiness-Owners-Calls-Toilets-Research-Penelope#.VJDiVivF9hx

what to look for in an answering service

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